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Unleash Your Future



Regulation S Offering – open to Non-U.S. Residents

This Offering may abruptly close early.
This is a smart-contract Offering.
The Offering will automatically close when rolling hard-caps are reached.

We recommend you do not delay in making your offer.
Forward Thinking Visionaries
Gleipnir is a true entrepreneurial visionary in all things; the industry problems we’ve identified, the solutions we propose, the model which we’ve formed, & the method through which we capitalize.
  • Tokenization at its Core - Setting a worldwide standard by adopting a fully tokenized approach from day one. No paper or book entry shares will be issued.
  • Ownership Rights for Tokenholders - GLAP tokens represent real ownership and rights, with an emphasis on investor rights under Tennessee Title 48.
  • Innovative STO via Smart-Contract - An STO utilizing smart contracts, showcasing enhanced transparency and efficiency in capital formation.
  • Single Round of Capital Formation - All of Gleipnir’s capital is being sourced through this STO, reflecting the company's belief in opening opportunities to everyone, not just institutions and the wealthy.
  • Welcoming Both Digital and Fiat Currencies - An inclusive STO, accepting both digital assets and fiat currency.


Regulation SWe are conducting a U.S. Regulation S offering. As a function of U.S. law, this offering is only available to Non-U.S. Investors.



Gleipnir, Inc. is a United States C-Corporation headquartered in the State of Tennessee.

Upon completion of a successful Security Token Offering (STO), Gleipnir will establish a subsidiary licensed as a regulated, fiduciary financial advisor managing digital asset index portfolios for retail & institutional customers.


Gleipnir is a Tennessee corporation. Tennessee is the 3rd fastest growing economy in the U.S. and home to multiple corporations, including several S&P index companies. The state treasury is stable and generally considered among the top 5 strongest state treasuries in the nation. Important for our purposes, Tennessee is a blockchain friendly state with no state income tax and is usually considered among the top 10 states in “freedom indices”, an important marker for blockchain organizations.


Gleipnir will operate with a tokenholder elected Board of Directors which appoints executive management to operate the day-to-day affairs of the company. We will hold board nominations and elections soon after the STO closes.

Use of Proceeds

Gleipnir is not just a digital organization, existing entirely online. In addition to proprietary software & treasury, Gleipnir will have a physical location, furniture, fixtures, equipment, & talented employees.

At a minimum, Gleipnir needs $15,500,00 USD to begin operations. Though we believe a small start will be successful & profitable for investors, it will take some time. We can effectively utilize larger amounts to begin a larger operation immediately. We have formal plans on how to profitably use any amount of capital from.

SEC Regulation S does not have a capital formation limit.

Why is Gleipnir raising so much capital when other organizations raise so little? Many blockchain organizations have filed bankruptcy, or simply shutdown operations, because they were undercapitalized. We are experienced businesspeople. We understand how much capital is required to start a successful new business & keep it running. Many organizations go through several rounds of capital formation, with each round distracting from the work at hand. Each round also cost investors more & more money. Early rounds are restricted to large, institutional investors at very low prices while later rounds open up to retail investors at much higher prices. We understand the need to avoid major workflow distractions & interruptions; the need to keep the momentum moving forward. And we want everyone to have equal access to our offering, not just large institutions. By utilizing one capital formation round, we help guard against financial difficulties, purposely avoid multiple future time-consuming distractions, and grant equal access to all investors


Gleipnir will establish wholly owned subsidiaries, formed as registered investment advisors. By creating a wholly owned subsidiary, Gleipnir is enabled to operate within the regulatory confines, fiat currency, language, & culture of its jurisdiction while simultaneously separating potential liability among jurisdictions.

Future Growth

In addition to establishing a wholly owned subsidiary for different jurisdictions offering professionally managed digital asset portfolios, Gleipnir may expand into different related business lines as cash flow & regulations permit.

Potential Future Business Lines
Potential future business lines include the following:

Proof-of-Stake Pool; we will have large quantities of various coins & tokens on our books, enabling us to serve as a Proof-of-Stake validator. By doing so both Gleipnir & our customers will earn block rewards.

Mutual Fund Market; digital asset mutual funds are currently available in various markets around the world. Legal challenges against the SEC are mounting and we anticipate that the SEC will soon begin approving U.S. digital asset spot mutual funds. Mutual fund sponsors & advisors earn fee income from mutual fund internal fees.

ETF Market; digital asset ETFs are currently available in various markets around the world. Legal challenges against the SEC resulted in the SEC approving single-asset spot EFTs. ETF sponsors & advisors earn fee income from ETF internal fees.

Separately Managed Account (SMA) Market; SMAs are niche investment accounts offered through broker-dealers & registered investment advisors. SMAs typically have high minimum investment amounts, oftentimes ranging from $50,000 - $1,000,000+. SMA advisors & managers earn fee income based upon Assets Under Management (AUM).

Hedge Fund Market; Hedge Funds are generally only available to Accredited Investors. The typical structure is a unique active strategy designed to earn large profits quickly. Hedge Fund managers have a temporarily captive customer paying an annual management fee & at conclusion of the hedge fund lifecycle, a percentage of profits.

Venture Capital Market; we’ll have regular contact with some of the brightest developers & boldest entrepreneurs in blockchain. Occasionally we will learn about highly promising new projects. It only makes sense that we invest some of our profits into those projects, helping to further expand and build blockchain technology. Venture Market capitalists earn money when the projects they’ve invested in go public through an STO or IPO, often earning huge profits.

We also believe that as blockchain technology grows & matures, as yet unthought of opportunities will arise.


The Obstacles

We’ve identified several obstacles to mainstream blockchain adoption and digital asset investing, impediments which, if not overcome, will impede blockchain’s growth and prevent the fulfillment of Metcalfe’s Law. The result is a gap between investors & digital assets. Gleipnir will be the bridge that profitably connects the two.

Foreign & Untrusted
Taken as a whole, the blockchain industry has constructed a new ecosystem so unique that it is distrusted by most people.
  • The blockchain industry has unnecessarily created its own unique jargon with which most people are unfamiliar & do not understand, causing hesitancy, lack of trust, & refusal to act.
  • The blockchain industry has created all new business structures with which most people are unfamiliar & distrust.
  • The blockchain industry is dominated by unknown leaders, many of which are untested in the business & regulatory world, instilling fear & distrust among investors.
  • Right or wrong, most people trust their government and distrust organizations not subject to government regulation. Recent events have served to reinforce this perception, causing distrust & fear among investors.
Despite its alien look & feel, many investors will move forward to invest in digital assets, but only through a trusted intermediary.
  • Nearly every current professionally managed digital investing avenue available is limited to “Accredited Investors”. Accredited Investor is a term coined by the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), identifying those individuals & institutions the SEC believes to be “financial savvy”. Investors must meet minimum income or net worth thresholds to qualify as an Accredited Investor. This standard is imitated in different jurisdictions around the world. In effect, current options available for professionally managed digital asset portfolios are limited to high income & wealthy investors in many jurisdictions.
  • Only 8.25% of investors qualify as Accredited Investors, effectively locking 91.75% of investors out of professionally managed digital asset portfolios.
Complicated & Awkward
Current digital asset investing is very complicated & awkward for most investors, instilling a deepening distrust of blockchain & digital assets.
  • For the average investor, blockchain is cumbersome, clunky, & anti-user friendly. First, an investor must purchase a hard wallet or download a hot wallet. Then go through the KYC/KYB process, imaging & uploading various documents. Once open, the investor must then connect a bank account to the wallet & transfer funds. Now that the wallet is finally funded, the investor must use a clunky, oftentimes unclear, platform to make purchases. What if they need to sell, trade pairs, or send assets to another address? Now consider that the average investor barely knows how to use the most basic features of the internet, making the current process extraordinarily intimidating & incomprehensible.
For those few investors who do qualify as Accredited Investors and jump through hoops to open an account, another surprise awaits; high fees
  • Most spot digital asset investment portfolios are charging an annual fee of 2% of assets under management for simply purchasing & holding an asset.
Nearly every current professionally managed digital investing avenue available to retail & institutional investors is illiquid.
  • Once invested, investors are stuck for an indeterminate amount of time, unable to sell or transfer their assets, often for several years, with no end in sight.
Monumental Risk
Most professionally managed digital asset portfolios are non-diversified. They only own 1, or a very small handful, of assets.
  • One of the key concepts to successful investing is diversification. Placing large sums of money in 1 asset can be a recipe for outsized gains, but it is usually a recipe for financial disaster


The Solutions
Familiar & Trusted
As experienced asset managers, Gleipnir understands how foreign blockchain is to the average investor. We know first-hand how fearful investors are of the unknown. We know that foreignness & fear are a powerful combination that create distrust among investors; distrust that becomes an insurmountable obstacle. Gleipnir will quickly & easily transform distrust & fear into trust & optimism.
  • Gleipnir will communicate in familiar, trusted terms investors understand. HODL becomes “long term investor”. Crypto Spring becomes “bull market”. Etc … By using familiar terminology, Gleipnir immediately begins breaking down the walls that stop most people from investing in digital assets. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
  • Gleipnir has formed in a familiar, trusted manner; we’re a corporation. Americans invented corporations around 230 years ago and have invested in corporations ever since. By using a familiar business structure, Gleipnir continues breaking down the walls that stop most people from investing in digital assets. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
  • Gleipnir’s leaders are battle tested. They have decades of experience working with investors, vendors, & regulators. They bring formal college degrees, elite professional credentials, professional licenses, & years of hands-on experience. By using experienced, mature, leaders, Gleipnir continues breaking down the walls that stop most people from investing in digital assets. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
  • Gleipnir is doing everything “by the books”. We’ve formally organized as a corporation. We’re utilizing the SEC’s regulations for capital formation. Our subsidiaries will be licensed as registered investment advisors. By voluntarily complying with existing regulations, Gleipnir continues breaking down the walls that stop most people from investing in digital assets. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets
We know of no good reason why digital assets should be limited to wealthy individuals & institutions. We know that average people are interested in blockchain & digital asset investing, because they’ve been asking us about it for years. We’re certain they will invest if given the right opportunity.
  • One of the core concepts of blockchain is that blockchain is available to everyone. In keeping with that concept, Gleipnir will make its services available to all retail & institutional investors, not just a select few wealthy investors. This opens up a new avenue for most investors & should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
Easy & Convenient
As experienced asset managers, we understand that most people will not jump hurdles to invest. They will not learn new software, new devices, nor new techniques. They want to simply click a button to open & fund an account, just like they do everywhere else.
  • Gleipnir will be 100% digital on what we believe will be the most user-friendly platform in the world. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
As experienced professionals, we know that most investors are fee sensitive. We also know that in Satoshi’s groundbreaking 2008 whitepaper creating blockchain, low cost is specifically discussed as one of the greatest benefits of blockchain.
  • In keeping with Satoshi’s goal & investor behavior, Gleipnir intends to charge a low fee. In most cases, 50%-75% less than currently available managed portfolios. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
We know from years of real-life experience that most investors want liquidity. They want liquidity so much that they will refuse most investments that come with a time commitment.
  • Gleipnir doesn’t believe in holding customer assets hostage. We will offer liquidity to our customers. Gleipnir customers will be able to increase or decrease their allocation to digital assets, increase or decrease allocations among indices, or even fully liquidate assets, at will. This should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.
Risk Management
It’s been said in many different ways by many different people that risk management is the most important component of successful investing. And we know from experience that successful investors are more concerned with risk than they are with return.
  • Digital asset investors need to be diversified. With over 24,000 coins & tokens available on the market, there is no reason investors should not be diversified.
  • Time & again most active asset managers fail to beat their index over the long-term, while charging high sales commission and/or high internal fees. As a result, investors are leaving active asset managers en masse. Over the past decade in the U.S. alone, index investing has grown from $1 Trillion to $11 Trillion and index investing now accounts for 30% of the entire U.S. equity market, proving what a popular investment style indexing really is. This change is a worldwide trend.
  • Gleipnir will solve the diversification dilemma by offering indexed portfolios.
  • There are few indices available on the market today. Gleipnir may choose to use existing indices or we may develop our own indices through a subsidiary, which can create another revenue stream through licensing the indices.
  • No matter which way we proceed, this should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.


The Possibilities

Familiar lingo, experienced leaders, & trusted institutions should be very attractive to retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.

Currently most digital asset investing is done direct by individual investors. We believe that is due to 2 primary reasons. First, for reasons discussed above, most investors have no other way to invest in digital assets. Second, most current digital asset investors are technologically savvy individuals involved in blockchain technology & who use digital assets for much more than investment purposes.

In reality, most investors use professional intermediaries to manage their cash and liquid investments. 35% of American investors use a professional financial advisor of some sort. 52% of American households own mutual funds; an investment vehicle managed by an intermediary. 12% of American households own ETFs; an investment vehicle managed by an intermediary. Figures are similar in most developed nations. Thus there is a multi-quadrillion dollar worldwide market for professionally managed digital asset portfolios.

Why does any of this matter? Ask the Walton family why it mattered to make retail shopping easy & convenient for consumers. Ask Bill Gates why it mattered to make computers user friendly for the average person. Ask Steve Jobs why it mattered to make personal computers affordable. Ask Jeff Bezos why it mattered to make electronic shopping easy, convenient, & secure for consumers. Now stop & ask yourself why it matters that Gleipnir make it easy & convenient for investors to invest in digital assets.

IPO DateIPO PriceCumulative Return As of 05/31/2023Value of $10,000 IPO Investment As of 05/31/2023

This is 2024. We use our computers; smart phones, tablets, laptops, & desktops, to communicate & conduct commerce on a daily basis. We expect to be able to conduct most any transaction imaginable on our devices in a matter of minutes. Gleipnir embraces the ease & convenience of technology.

Gleipnir will be a fully digital company. That doesn’t mean we won’t have a brick & mortar location. We need all the necessary employees to manage an organization. But when it comes to our customers, it’s 100% digital 100% of the time. We won’t be building hundreds or thousands of brick & mortar locations (what an antiquated concept). Instead, our customers will be able to open & manage accounts simply by touching a screen or clicking a button.

Is it possible? Of course it is. Have you ever shopped on Amazon? Have you actually ever spoken to an employee at Amazon? That’s because it is possible to successfully automate every aspect of the customer experience.


Will it work? Of course it works. Look at Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, & Robinhood. Combined, those online firms have $10 Trillion in assets under management.

Gleipnir won’t be wasting money on thousands of advisors in thousands of locations. Instead, we’ll be investing in creating the best technology the investment industry has ever seen. This should be very attractive to modern day retail & institutional investors, helping Gleipnir establish new accounts & gather new assets.

Blockchain was created on October 31, 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto published a whitepaper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cashless System. Satoshi proposed a direct payment system that disintermediated middlemen, such as banks. He also proposed that the payment system be fast, settling in minutes instead of days or weeks. He further proposed that the supply of “coins” be permanently fixed so that it was not subject to inflation (as opposed to fiat currencies). The entire system would be decentralized; hosted on thousands of computers around the world, eliminating potential manipulation by governments, corporations, & bad actors. Finally, the system would be secured with the strongest cryptographic mathematics known to mankind.

Over the past 16 years blockchain has attracted the most talented entrepreneurs & developers in the world. Today there are 1,000+ blockchain ecosystems and nearly 24,000 cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain has progressed far beyond its initial goal of electronic currency. It now covers supply chain management, file storage & computing power, artwork & music, gaming, entertainment, and more. It is quickly transforming every sector of the world economy.

The technology tends to be open-source; anyone on the world can see the code & work on the code. Because anyone can see the code, it is transparent. Transactions are easily traceable. And it is immutable (impossible to change settled transactions). Because of these characteristics, blockchain is being adopted by businesses both large & small, including some of the largest international businesses in the world. Governments are using the technology for various purposes. And private individuals are using the technology in their own best interests.

Blockchain is a paradigm shifter; it is changing the way the entire world functions. No industry has been left untouched. Blockchain has disrupted multiple industries and is completely rewriting others. Consider how personal computers, the internet, & smart phones have changed the world. Blockchain is having the same effect.

Despite being a multi-trillion dollar sector, blockchain is in its infancy. As with all things, blockchain will continue to grow & change. We firmly believe that blockchain’s potential to transform the world is just now being understood by most people. We don’t know what blockchain will ultimately become any more than the Wright brothers could’ve predicted their invention would eventually leave the solar system, but we are certain that visionary developers & entrepreneurs will take it in undreamed directions and to heights never before thought possible.

So what’s the big deal with new technology? Ask Larry Page & Sergey Brin why it was important to embrace new technology. Ask Elon Musk if new technology can go mainstream. Talk to Mark Zuckerberg about what can be done with new technology. Now ask Gleipnir why we’re embracing the groundbreaking technology called blockchain.

IPO DateIPO PriceCumulative Return As of 05/31/2023Value of $10,000 IPO Investment As of 05/31/2023

Helping investors harness a paradigm-shifting new technology through a familiar, trusted, & easy process is what Gleipnir is all about.


Market Potential
  • 1/3 of Americans use professional financial advisors to invest.
  • 2/3 of Americans use professionally managed investment portfolios; mutual funds & ETFs.
  • In 10 years the index investing market has grown 1,100%, from $1 Trillion to $11 Trillion.
  • Global equity markets are currently valued at $107 Trillion USD.
  • Global bond markets are currently valued at $133 Trillion USD.
  • Global currency markets are currently valued at $2.4 Quadrillion USD.

Now add in global commodity trading markets, global real estate markets, global art markets, & more. The value is mind-bending.

Digital asset capitalization currently stands at a mere $1.6 Trillion USD. Digital assets can be equities, debts (bonds), currencies, commodities, real estate, art work, & more, indicating that digital asset markets can potentially grow thousands of times over.

There is enormous market potential for Gleipnir’s services. We believe that Gleipnir can capture a substantial percentage of market share by making things familiar, convenient, & easy for investors.


We aren’t limiting ourselves to one specific country. Blockchain is global, so Gleipnir intends to be global as well. We’ve created a research based, prioritized list of desirable jurisdictions in the Americas, Pacific, Europe, & Asia. The list is subject to change.


To minimize language complexities, prospective customers will first be pursued in major English speaking geographic markets. As Gleipnir grows, and regulations permit, Gleipnir will then begin entering major non-English speaking geographic markets. To date we’ve identified multiple attractive markets around the world.


On the institutional front, Gleipnir intends to establish a full-time business development group as quickly as finances permit, with each business development specialist focusing on a specific institutional market. The more capital we raise, the sooner we can hire sales professionals to begin tapping into this lucrative market.

  • Family Offices
  • Pension Plans
  • Tribal Governments
  • Unions
Retail Generations

We will aggressively market to 3 distinct retail generations through the avenues each most prefers.

Baby Boomers

Our first retail market is Baby Boomers. Born 1946 – 1966, Baby Boomers are the 2nd largest generation & control most of the world’s private wealth. They rely heavily on the advice of their Generation X children and Millennial grandchildren. Baby Boomers are the fastest growing technology adopters in the world, both out of fascination with technology & as a means of communication.

Gen X

Our second retail market is Generation X. Born 1967 – 1982, Generation X is the world’s smallest generation. Even so, they are the primary heirs to Baby Boomer wealth. Generation X is also the generation that launched the digital age. As children they were the first generation to play video games. As teenagers they were the first generation to have home computers. As young employees, they were the generation to drive corporate computerization. Generation X is predominantly self-employed & those that work for wages are beginning to fill C-Suite positions. Generation X is the most “anti-government” generation to ever exist. This generations profile is ripe for blockchain & digital asset investment.


Our third retail market is Millennials. Born 1983 – 1998, Millennials are the largest generation to ever exist. To a small degree, Millennials are also heirs to Baby Boomer wealth. Millennials experienced rapid technological advances during their childhood & teenage years; advances which they readily adopted & mainstreamed. They are beginning to assume leadership roles at work and are creating free cash flow. Millennials are the primary users of blockchain & the largest quantity of investors in digital assets. This generation will invest heavily in digital assets as its generational wealth increases.

We will eventually begin marketing to Gen Z, born 1999 – Current, but since they are still very young, they don’t have much wealth, if any, to invest. That makes sense, because 25% of them are still minors.


Capital Formation Process

At Gleipnir we think outside the box to identify obstacles & best fit solutions. To that end we’re unveiling an innovative process which cuts out middlemen (investment bankers), eliminating a lot of expense while simultaneously speeding up the process & making it more democratic. Afterall, one of blockchain’s primary functions is to minimize delays, minimize cost, & democratize finance.

We didn’t hire an expensive investment banker to offer a fixed quantity of tokens (shares) at a fixed price to its pet investors. Instead, we’re going direct to the public in a quick, inexpensive process that allows everyone to buy; a smart contract auction on Polygon.

Tokens – tokens represent ownership of Gleipnir, much like shares traditionally represent ownership of a corporation. And unlike some other tokenized shares, Gleipnir tokens come with full shareowner rights to a real world asset.

Gleipnir is authorized to issue a total of 400,000,000 tokens:

  • 188,000,000 tokens will be placed for auction via Regulation S.
  • The founders will recoup some costs & free-up some capital by selling up to 40,000,000 tokens.
  • Gleipnir can effectively use $15,500,000 or more. Note that the SEC strictly forbids U.S. Investors from participating in a Regulation S offering. Only Non-U.S. Investors will be able to participate in any Regulation S offering.

Direct to the Public – Gleipnir tokens (GLAP) are being sold direct to the public through a smart contract platform. Simply create and fund an account. You must be able to pass Know Your Customer (KYC) to open & fund an account, just like you do at your bank or brokerage. Thus anyone, not just a brokerage’s favored customers, have an opportunity to buy into our STO. KYC is a legal requirement in most jurisdictions, not just the U.S.

This offering is meant to comply with SEC Regulation S. The SEC has strict rules. It is important that we are able to distinguish between U.S. Investors & Non-U.S. Investors. You will be asked some basic information so we can make this determination. Rest assured that we will not ask for more information than is necessary to comply with regulations.

Offering – In another cutting-edge innovation, GLAP tokens are being offered on Polygon. Just enter the quantity of tokens you desire, and the currency of each offer. The smart contract will release tokens to winning offers and refund tokens to loosing offers.

You may purchase whole tokens only; i.e. 50 tokens, 100 tokens, 500 tokens, 10,000 tokens, … We will not accept offers for partial/fractional tokens.

The minimum bid is the equivalent of $2.00 USD per token.

The minimum total investment is the equivalent of $100.00 USD. We told you we are making this auction available to everyone, and we are, but we have to set a minimum in order to cover gas fees & ACH fees for losing offer refunds.

As you might expect from a blockchain focused company, offers may be placed in:

  • US Dollars (USD), or
  • Tether (USDT), or
  • US Dollar Coin (USDC).

Auction In trailblazing style, the STO is being conducted as an auction. Competition is the nature of investing; we can offer a higher price to buy something another investor is interested in. And competition is embedded in blockchain; we can offer a higher gas fee to have our transaction processed first. STO investors can enter the price they wish to pay per token in an effort to ensure they have the opportunity to invest. And investors can enter multiple offers, enabling them to use an offer strategy.

Exchange(s) – we know you want liquidity & we want you to have liquidity. Initially, GLAP tokens will trade through DS Swap, a compliant DEX.

We hope to list on other compliant DEXs and ATS as investor demand warrants.

Wallet(s) –GLAP tokens currently require a MetaMask wallet, but we expect wallet choice to expand soon.


You will need a legible, color copy of the front & back of a government issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, to complete KYC.


You will need a minimal amount of MATIC to sign the Subscription Agreement and submit a bid(s). We recommend 0.81 MATIC per bid.

Offering Opening

The Gleipnir STO will open at 03:00 NZST on 5 September 2024. Any person or organization may begin submitting offers at that time.

Offering Closing

The Gleipnir STO will close on 4 September 2025. No further offers will be accepted after that time, nor may existing offers be modified after that time.

The auction includes rolling closures. Because of this we recommend that you do not delay entering your offer(s).

Guaranteed Issuance

Initial investors can bypass competitive bidding and receive guaranteed token issuance. The first 2,000 investors to invest $2,500 or more are guaranteed to receive tokens. See the Offering Circular for details.


Winning offers will have their GLAP tokens distributed to the wallet identified in the offer. An email will be sent to the email address of record providing you the details of your winning offer(s). Losing offers will have their stablecoins or dollars returned to the wallet or bank account identified in the offer, minus any gas or transaction fee. An email will be sent to the email address of record notifying you of your losing offer.

Regulatory Risk is huge. And it is very real. As a result, this offering is not available to U.S. investors.

Regulatory overreach is a serious problem in the United States. As every blockchain investor in the world knows, the U.S. SEC appears to be very antiblockchain, very anti-digital assets, and has devoted enormous resources to an attempt to enforce its will on the blockchain industry.

Gleipnir spent 6 months and thousands of dollars to register a Regulation A Tier 2 offering with the SEC so we could make our tokens available to American investors. To no one’s surprise, weren’t able to make that happen, despite specific Supreme Court orders against the SEC (and others against U.S. regulatory overreach in general).

In the best interest of Gleipnir, the Board voted to withdraw the Regulation A Tier 2 filing and redirect resources.

U.S. investors who are ticked-off that an American government agency effectively blocked a legitimate American business from making a legitimate offering to American investors, should become politically active. You can find your Congressional delegation here. Let them know it’s time for them to reign-in an out-of-control regulatory regime.

All text and figures are forward looking estimates, not binding statements or figures.

The government believes investors want to read extraordinarily boring legal documents. As a result, Gleipnir has authored a very formal and extremely boring Offering Circular. It is available 24/7 though the Invest Now buttons on this page.

This Offering is intended to comply with Regulation S. It is not registered with any nation nor being marketed to the residents of any specific nation.

In the age of instantaneous global news, investors often learn about opportunities outside of their home country through electronic platforms, such as social media platforms and electronic news outlets. Many nations have a statute, regulation, or rule that permits its residents to proactively invest in an unregistered offering through some type of exemption. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the statutes, regulations, and rules of your nation of residence. Investors will be required to certify that (s)he/it proactively sought out this Offering and independently chose to invest in this Offering. Gleipnir is not liable for the actions of any investor in relation to this Offering. To comply with U.S regulations, OFAC sanctioned nations, organizations, and individuals will be blocked from participating in this Offering.